Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Quote of the Day

People say I'm guarded, and they have a point.  I think before I speak.  I don't just blurt out whatever comes to mind.  It's a combination of my natural inclination, plus my training as a lawyer, plus decades in the public eye where every word I say is scrutinized.  But why is this a bad thing?  Don't we want our Senators and Secretaries of State -- and especially our Presidents -- to speak thoughtfully, to respect the impact of our words?  President Obama is just as controlled as I am, maybe even more so.  He speaks with a great deal of care; takes his time, weighs his words.  This is generally correctly taken as evidence of his intellectual heft and rigor.  He's a serious person talking about serious things.  So am I.  And yet, for me, it's often experienced as a negative.

-- Hillary Rodham Clinton, What Happened, p. 122

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