Thursday, April 26, 2018

Quote of the Day

When I first joined Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, I had a grave misconception about the task before us.  Simply put, I didn't think it mattered that Hillary Clinton was a woman.  I just thought she was the best person for the job.  I didn't see all the complexities inherent in the task of electing the first woman president.  Worse, I didn't see the new possibilities having a woman in the Oval Office would open up.  We actually set out to prove that it didn't matter that Hillary Clinton was a woman.  And we did.  We showed that this woman could do the job of president as it had been done by every man before her -- reducing her to a female facsimile of the qualities we expect to see in a male president.  But I now see that path robbed Hillary of something very valuable.  Some measure of her own humanity, some of the qualities that were unique to her.  Qualities we may not find in a male president.

-- Jennifer Palmieri, Dear Madam President, p. 5-6

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