Saturday, June 27, 2020

Quote of the Day

[When I was a kid] I didn't have the language to say, "It seems you're noticing that my gender presents differently from what you're used to.  That's partly because it's the mid-'80s and we don't have a ton of opportunities to see many different types of people, especially in an upper-middle-class white suburban neighborhood like ours.  Boy, will the internet blow all of our minds a decade from now!  Anyway, many of us gender-nonconforming folks exist in the world, have for centuries, and it's actually totally fine -- in fact, it's great!  There's nothing wrong with me or you, and coming to understand my own gender expression will be one of the most freeing experiences I'll have in my next two decades on this planet.  I wish the same to you!"

-- Cameron Esposito, Save Yourself, p. 19-20

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