Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Quote of the Day

Once I'd realized women were not simply empty wombs, other dominoes began to fall.  If saying "all women can't do something" was reductive, for example, how could I feel that abortion was definitely evil?  I wanted to call up the Pope and say, "I'm young, and I'm pretty sure I'm not a genius, but this makes no sense and I can't be smarter than all you priests by this much."  Either the Church's prescriptive views were being defined and presented by people who knew they were a lie, or they didn't know they were lying -- and I couldn't figure out which was more terrifying.  I felt like I was on the other side of some wide chasm, looking back and wondering, What is everyone doing back there?

-- Cameron Esposito, Save Yourself, p. 77-78

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