Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Quote of the Day

During a moment when a Michigan business owner was getting backlash for accidentally sharing some borderline racist views on their business Facebook page, someone I knew shared a graphic in response to the news story that said BLM was a lie because "If Black lives really mattered then they'd stop shooting each other."  As much of a deflective response as that was, at no point should the violence of any community be a reason to ever imply that they don't deserve to advocate for the validity of their existence.  If there are those who want to use this as a believable argument, then it's also believable that "White lives matter" is also a lie.  There are white people killing other white people.  So, does every case of white-on-white violence mean that the white community doesn't actually care about themselves?  And is any attempt at advocating for their community to be safe and healthy a moot point?

-- Andrea Krystal, Can Black People Grow Hair?, p. 97

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