Sunday, December 18, 2022

Quote of the Day

Our society is obsessed with trans people's genitals.  What is or isn't between a person's legs seems to govern how much we accept them, judge them or fear them.  We try to pass laws restricting where trans people can go to the bathroom, where they can change clothes, what shelters they can stay in and even what prisons should house them.

A journalist once asked my twelve-year-old about her future plans for surgery.  When I stepped in to stop it, the journalist turned to me and said, "Can I ask you about her plans, then?"

No, you cannot.  Fixating on a child's genitals is never appropriate, whether that child is trans or not.  That should be common sense.  Sadly, it isn't.  It's weird, and frankly a little creepy, how much people care.

-- Amanda Jetté Knox, Love Lives Here, p. 248

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