Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Quote of the Day

What women want is good.  What women want is beautiful.  And what women want is dangerous, but not to women.  Not to the common good.  What women want is a threat to the injustice of the status quo.  If we unlocked and unleashed ourselves: Imbalanced relationships would be equalized.  Children would be fed.  Corrupt governments would topple.  Wars would end.  Civilizations would be transformed.  If women trusted and claimed their desires, the world as we know it would crumble.  Perhaps that is precisely what needs to happen so we can rebuild truer, more beautiful lives, relationships, families, and nations in their place.  Maybe Eve was never meant to be our warning.  Maybe she was meant to be our model.

-- Glennon Doyle, Untamed, p. 121-122

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