Sunday, November 25, 2018

Quote of the Day

By walking away from the church, I turned my back on an entire life -- friendships and associations that were decades old.  In doing so, I also rejected the ethical foundation that had guided my life.  I was a ship unmoored.  My entire adult existence was founded on the guidelines of Scientology.  I thought I was progressing toward a higher state of being.  I believed that the church was a righteous force in society.  We were going to save the world!  Then it was gone.  All of it.  My beliefs.  My values.  My purpose.  I had to figure out which parts of me were my brainwashed self and what was authentic.  Who was I?  And who did I want to be?  The questions both excited and angered me.  Excited because I could finally explore thoughts and feelings that had been asleep for more than twenty years.  Angry because I had allowed myself to be conned by a so-called religion based on science fiction, absurdities and deception.

-- Michelle LeClair, Perfectly Clear, p. 277

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