Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Quote of the Day

We had never learned how to "agree to disagree," because to church members, such a concept was blasphemous.  Can two walk together, except they be agreed?  What communion hath light with darkness?  At Westboro, every decision had moral implications.  Every question had a single correct answer.  Miscommunication required blame, and mistakes required punishment.  My sister and I knew how to cajole, issue ultimatums, attribute ill motives, and assign moral failure to the other party in a dispute, but we couldn't compromise and we couldn't move forward without a resolution as to which of us was in the wrong.  Without an absolute authority who could resolve the problem and declare one side as just and righteous, we floundered [in the days and months after leaving the church].

-- Megan Phelps-Roper, Unfollow, p. 227

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